Thursday 3 December 2009

The real world

I keep hearing reference to the phrase "they should get into the real world" or "he should live in the real world". We all live in the real world whether you are a banker with a million pound bonus, a policeman about to lose overtime or someone on benefit. What does it mean? Where is this real world if it isn't Earth? Why have politicians started using the expression as if it is the answer to every problem.
They should get into the real world. Ooops!

Thursday 25 June 2009

Road signs

There must be a million examples of crazy road signs but I think the following is completely bonkers.
There are several around but in particular Inglewood Road exiting into Mayplace Road (by Phoenix Football ground)

Big sign in tree-lined, grass verged Inglewood Road: Caution New Road layout (or something along those lines).

Apart from the fact that everyone using Inglewood Road have got the idea of a minor road joining a Main Road at a T-junction and the fact that the middle section of the junction has been raised by the use of sleeping policeman what use is the warning.
Believe it or not it is a relatively dangerous junction with vehicles coming from Barnehurst appearing at a relatively high speed around a blind bend but I fail to see the point of this sign.

Speed cameras

There was a brilliant idea (well brilliant for a local authority, anyway) involving speed cameras. The particular camera is located on Gravel Hill, Bexleyheath. You know the one as you come away from the High Street and the usual congestion of multiple traffic lights into a relatively good stretch of road down the steepish incline of Gravel Hill. Even on a push-bike your speed would naturally edge over the 30mph limit. The camera appears to have been placed with these facts in mind and an obvious revenue producer.
Anyone a few months ago (maybe longer) a solar powered (I think) speed indicator was installed about 100 yards or so before the camera. Now that, I thought was a brilliant idea. Why is this not adopted elsewhere?
Today I realised why. Proceeding down Gravel Hill last night I noticed that the speed indicator is no longer working! Lack of sun-power? In June?
Again it just indicates that the only reason for its installation appears to be to provide employment for a few council workmen and sales for the equioment manufacturer.
What a shame!

Thursday 11 June 2009

Media training for politicians- how not to answer the question

Hi there! Yes it's Wat here. Sorry no posts for a bit but I've been resting. Now what prompted me to post was something I heard on Radio 4 tonight- yes I can receive radio signals down 'ere. There was a repeat clip of an interview between John Humphries (yes, him again ) and a Tory politician. Humphries asked him if the Tories would make the same cuts as the Labour Gov't (something like that) and the interviewee would not give a straight answer. Maybe he did eventually I am not sure. It seems that interviewers are now being tougher on politicians due, presumably because they are somewhat weekened (and considered fair game) by the "expenses for MPs fiasco). Why now, I ask? anyway then Humphries interviewed a "interviewee training expert"!!! His job, apparently was to teach politicians how to skillfully evade answering questions. What is the world coming to??
In my last post I mentioned Vanessa Feltz and her excellent interviewing of Boris Johnson, Mayor of London. Recently she interviewed Caroline Flint and really made her squirm. The following day Flint resigned from the Gov't (not because of Vanessa!). As I said why can't the establishment interviewers, like Humphries get tough with these politicians and either get a straight answer or not interview them? You might say thene they would not agree to be interviwed and we would loose what little contact we have with our politicians. But would that be a bad thing?
Good on you Vanessa, I love you!!

Thursday 19 March 2009

Vanessa Feltz and Boris

Not sure I completely like Vanessa's style but I am warming (if you read the blog you will get the irony) to her. Vanessa, on BBC London in the morning, was interviewing Boris Johnson (mayor of London) the other day. OK, so I wasn't listening that attentively, but I think it was during a conversation about the 2-3 day snow blizzards a few weeks ago and the unproportionate effect it had on the Capital's transport system. Firstly Boris spluttered on about x% of bus drivers turning up for work. Vanessa said 'yes, she'd seen them on the telly with their feet up reading newspapers and drinking coffee' or words to that effect.
Then Boris started waffling on about comparisons with New York!!
Instead of listening respectfully, Vanessa completely dissed him and started talking about another subject! That's the way to treat politicians when they start talking rubbish. Take note John Humphries (Radio4).
Why do they (radio presenters) let politicians waste valuable airtime talking utter rubbish. Why not just tell them bluntly to cut the cra*. If they refuse to come back in the future, good riddance. Sometimes the presenter asks the politician maybe three times for a straight answer to a straight question. And three times the politician will give a lengthy, evasive answer. If he or she is interupted during these answers, especially the third one, he/she will say firmly "with respect, John, I am trying to answer your question" or "with respect, John, if you let me just finish". Why not just close the interview if they will not answer truthfully??

Small steps in litter control

Just heard a piece about a small, but, successful litter campaign. A sweet shop owner in Gloucestershire has started a scheme whereby when youngsters buy sweets their names are written on the wrapper. If anyone finds the wrapper in the street they take it back to the shop and the child whose name is on it gets banned from the shop for a few weeks or has to spend time picking up other rubbish. And it is working!
OK so it is a small village and all the residents know each other. It wouldn't work in a lot of places I am sure. But a good idea don't you think.
Better than having anti-litter patrols (at huge expense) roaming the streets like has been suggested.

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Very Strange

Excessive supermarket food packaging is undermining householders' efforts to recycle and adding to council tax bills, according to a new report.
Just under 40 per cent of supermarket food packaging cannot be easily recycled. So says a recent study by the Local Government Association.
Unnecessary packaging contributes to the £1.8 billion councils will spend on landfill tax between 2008 and 2011. This will surely increase the pressure for increases in council tax.